Insomnia Log

This is what keeps me awake at night???

Who needs sleep? (well you’re never gonna get it)
Who needs sleep? (tell me what’s that for)
Who needs sleep? (be happy with what you’re getting,
There’s a guy who’s been awake since the second world war)

-- words and music by Steven Page & Ed Robertson

Location: Boulder, Colorado, United States

Everything you need to know about me can be found in my posts

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Un Poco Local: The Carbon Next Door

I previously advised against buying carbon offsets. However, lest you think there's nothing you can do about global warming, I wanted to give you some ideas. Something more than the standard "use compact fluorescent bulbs, drive a hybrid, install insulation, ride a bike." This the first in a series of posts on real things you can do to reduce your "carbon footprint".

Here's something you may not have thought about. Every time you buy something, you are paying somebody else to use energy and emit carbon on your behalf. The product was transported to the store where you bought it. It was manufactured. It was packaged. The things that went into its manufacture and packaging were themselves transported, manufactured, grown, and otherwise processed. And every step along the way, energy was used and carbon was sent into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. This is true for everything from the simplest (like a head of lettuce) to the most complex (like a house or a car).

You can't just stop buying stuff, and I'm not going to suggest you do so. And, without a huge grant and access to proprietary info from every company you do business with, there is no way to calculate the true impact of what you buy. But there are a few things you can do to get a clue, and you can use that clue to influence your decision on what to buy.
  1. Look at the number of ingredients. This is easier with some things than others. But next time you are at the grocery store, pick up two packages of the same type of product made by different companies. Count the number of lines of ingredients listed. You can guess that the one with the longer list had a bigger impact when it was manufactured.
  2. Buy the product with the least processing. Every step someone took to create this wonderful product used energy and contributed to global warming. That's right, organically grown, whole-grain, unenriched, zero additives, and all those other things that are supposed to be good for you also have less of an impact on the environment. Oh, and packaging also counts as a step in the processing chain, so less packaging is better.
  3. Buy local. This is not just to support your local economy, local farmers, and local businesses. Local products don't have to be transported over long distances to get to you.
Remember, every time you buy something with one less ingredient, one less layer of packaging, one less manufacturing process, or one less shipping step, you are paying one fewer person to spew carbon on your behalf.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Now Is the Time for All Good Men to Come to the Aid of their Gender

The results of a recent study on bathroom-hand-washing practices were published recently, and they weren't pretty. It seems that when spies watched people in public restrooms, only 66 percent of men washed their hands, while 88 percent of women did so.

I wanted to get to the bottom of this story, and flush out the missing details, but curiously some of the vital parts were kept private. What I found is that this study is pretty much a bowl of crap. Here are a few dirty little secrets I was able to expose, all of which send the results of this study down the toilet.

Number one: No surprise, the results varied depending on where the spies lurked. The worst results were at Turner Field baseball stadium in Atlanta. 43% of the guys rushed back to the exciting game without so much as a rinse. Well, duh! Have you ever been in the men's room of a sports stadium? Would you want to touch more germ-laden fixtures than you absolutely had to? I'm guessing those faucets handles are pretty gross. That's assuming there are soap and paper towels. And when your feet are sticking to the floor, you'd probably rather get back to where there's a chance it might be mustard you're stepping in, rather than lingering for a few seconds longer in the muck.

Number two: Men are different than women. Again, duh. If I were the president of Harvard, making this statement might cost me my job, but it seems pretty obvious. Many men can use the urinal without ever touching themselves. If they do, it may be a casual touch to a part of the body that is generally more clean than the hands. And with automatic flush urinals, they can get in and out without touching anything but their zippers.

Number three: Numbers one and two -- they're different. I found a study online that showed men and women essentially even when it came to washing up after number two. The difference comes about when there is a difference -- vive la difference! Eliminate this discrepancy, and the gender gap is wiped out!

Number four: Did you see who sponsored the survey? Yes, it was the Soap and Detergent Association. Enough said.

By the way, bathroom spies are a clear violation of bathroom etiquette.

Q. Why don't men put the toilet seat down?

A. Because they know they'd have to wash their hands after!

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